Your Opinion Counts!

Phil Kenkel

Bill Fitzwater Cooperative Chair

The cooperative research community is always pondering the challenges and opportunities facing cooperatives and how we, as an industry, can better communicate the value of the cooperative business model.  One approach to gaining those types of insights is to harvest the insights of CEOs and board members.  For example the consulting and auditor group KPMG just completed their most recent survey of 400 corporate CEOs.  CEOs reported higher expectations for sales and hiring in 2017 but lower expectations for capital investments.  For the fifth straight year, CEOs cited regulation as the top cost pressure facing their firms.

Now it’s your chance to chime in.  A simple multi-state survey is underway which is investigating your outlook toward challenges and opportunities.  What is even better is that the process has been boiled down to three simple questions.  Who says surveys can’t be fun?  Take a moment to click on the link below and cast your votes for the words that best describe the challenges, opportunities and value package of our cooperative.  I’ll be back in touch with the results from Oklahoma cooperative CEOs and board member and how that compares with the responses from other states.

Your opinion counts so click on the survey link below